March 30, 2008

Runners high

I don't care much for treadmills, makes me feel like a sick dog in rehab, running and not getting anywhere. No change of scenery, no wind in your hair, only sweaty people next to you panting heavily trying to manage the control panel during the interval hill program.

So it goes without saying that a typical Scandinavian winter is not really for me. I'm a hobby runner and I get cranky if the thermometer goes below 3 degr. C. Real runners of course run all year, rain, snow or frost. For me, below 3 is my cue to stay in.
Today however, the temperature was over 10 and that has not happened in MONTHS. I have never put on my shoes so fast before and you'd have thought I spent the winter in prison seeing me leap out on the street with a big, silly smile on my face.

I just kept smiling the entire way and a complete feeling of euforia came over me when I got back (even took a detour). I have not had that kind of running experience before and definately not been close on the treadmill.
Weather gods, whatever it is you're doing don't stop now. I forgive you for the long and cold winter OK, just keep up the good work.

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