April 2, 2008

Tic tax

I love paying taxes. Once a year I do at least. Today is that day, when you with a satisfied smile can log on to skatteverket.se and digitally sign your tax papers in less than three minutes. What's not to love? It's easier than making a grocery list.

A typical non-tax payer who couldn't care less.

Another thing I might come to love is the Google desktop I discovered today. I sometimes surprise myself not having a clue about things I expect myself to have a clue about. Anyway it's neat. User friendly as most google thingys and with features I really appreciate and find useful, both for work and play. I print screened mine below, it contains some world clocks that are useful, todays weather (VERY important to the Swedes), a wiki search (great for a wiki-fan like myself), currency converter (love that one) and default features (which can be removed of course) like a notepad and photo slide show.

Get it here if you haven't got it already. It's really just a sleek looking sidebar meny which is almost fully customizable.

Click to get a full size view of what a google desktop can do for you ;)


Hexmaster said...

Shouldn't a cat-related blog be tax-free? ;-) (Swedish joke.)

If you love tax forms, feel free to do mine -- they are considerably chunkier for companies.

Line said...

You're right, Cat hair should AT LEAST be tax-free (note: tax=dachshund).

The reason I love tax paying is presumably because I don't have to bother with filling out forms. So, no help there I'm afaid! ;)